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Moderne Zeiten: WLAN in allen Marinas - zum größten Teil kostenfrei
7.5.2009 ![]() Ich habe alle Marinas angeschrieben und bis jetzt folgende Antworten von Nord nach Süd bekommen: 1. Fenerbahçe-Kalamis Marina Istanbul: freier PC im Office 2. Alacati Marina bei Cesme: Ja, kostenlos 3. C+N Marina: Ja, kostenlos, aber nur in einem Teil der Marina 4. Cesme Setur Marina: ja, bisher kostenlos*) 5. Kusadasi Setur Marinas: Ja, bisher kostenlos*) 6. Port Bodrum Yalikavak Marina: Ja, kostenlos 7. D-Didim Marina: Ja, abere teuer (unglaublich!) 8. D-Marina Turgutreis: Ja, aber teuer (unglaublich!) 9. Milta Marina Bodrum: Ja, aber teuer (unglaublich!) 10. Marti Marina Orhaniye: Ja, kostenlos 11. Yachtmarin Marmaris: Ja, kostenlos plus technische Hilfe 12. Netsel Marina: Ja, bisher kostenlos*) 13. Port Göcek Marina: Ja, kostenlos 14. ECE Marina Fethiye: Ja, kostenlos 15. Finike Setur Marina: Ja, bisher kostenlos*) 16. Celebi Marina Antalya: Ja, kostenlos 17. Turkiz Kemer Marina: Ja, EUR 1 für 1 Tag bei bis zu 3 Monaten Vertrag, darüber kostenlos 18. Alanya Marina: Ja, kostenlos, aber limitiert wg. Dauerbenutzung Und im Dodekanes: Thank you very much for your effort to promote Turkish Marinas to the yachties. A Law about internet crimes that came into force at the end of 2007 held all providers like us be responsible to get a certificate issued by Telecommunication authorities, and to keep, and report monthly a very detailed record for each user as when (date and time) he/she got connected, and disconnected to internet, web sites visited, etc. for each and every access to be matched with user's detailed identification info, and IP address. Failing to obey the rules of this law, provider company will be sentenced to a fine in the range of 10.000 - 50.000 TL besides the manager being sued personally. Actually we've got informed by this legislation recently, and immediately took necessary steps to cope with the requirements of this law which means new equipment and new software, and of course finding the right company to provide us with this specific service. Coming to the issue of lots of places providing internet access freely, as we did till last week, what can I say, some obey the laws, and some does not, of which I guess most of the latter are not aware of this new regulation yet. Any marina or any provider in Turkey will come across with this obligatory shut down when they got aware of this law in near future, unless they dare to violate the law. We will do our best to re-establish wifi service meeting the legal requirements in all of the Setur Marinas. With my apologies for this situation which actually is not a result of our personal decision, I kindly ask for your understanding, and patience. Sincerely yours Vedat Midilli" I know that the discussions are still being continued between the management and internet service providers. I will inform you about new wireless applications as soon as it is clear. |
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